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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • My Confidence Went Up Because I Hear That I'm Pretty Often!
  • 2022-08-03 hit.17,247
  • Writer : AN*****

I began to feel self-concious about my chin jutting out more than others since I was in fifth or sixth grade. My close friends would make fun of me for it and I would secretly be hurt by it. I tried to put my lower teeth behind my upper teeth but obviously it didn't work. I would just accept that I have a lantern jaw but my chin would stand out in photos. I didn't like being made fun of and I felt like I'd look so pretty if only my chin was pushed back, so I decided to do surgery. I got braces before the surgery, and my orthodontist recommended EU to me. Double jaw surgery is a big surgery so I was scared of the possible side effects but I had seen EU a lot on Youtube and I saw so many good reviews, so I placed my trust in the doctors despite my fears.

Day 3

From the time I was discharged until the morning after, my nose was so blocked that I was so unbelievably uncomfortable until I was able to spit out some blood and mucous through my nose and mouth. There's no sign that the swelling will disappear anytime soon, and I can't tell if the surgery went well because of it. It also looks like I have a double chin. But I am able to open my mouth and eat. It looks like I have a recessed chin, so I hope the swelling goes away soon :(

Day 7

It was difficult to breathe during this week after surgery, and I was depressed because of the swelling and regretted my decision, but right as it hit the 7 day mark, I was able to breathe comfortably and the swelling has gone down so I felt better. I was so depressed that I wasn't hungry, but now that a week has passed, my appetite is back. I think this week is the most difficult. Now that the swelling is going down, I feel happier. I hate rice porridge, so I spent the week drinking protein shakes.

Day 14

I had the stitches removed today. I teared up a little because of the pain. The swelling has continued to go down, so I began meeting firends and going out. My friends said I looked cute. I think I used to look rude, but now that I look cute I find it so fascinating and satisfying. I've been able to take the wafer in and out. I'm not allowed to eat rice yet but I let it swell in some soup and swalled it without chewing. Everything feels the way it used to be, so I'm happy. Happiness isn't difficult to obtain- as long as you are able to breathe and eat, that's happiness. I really wanted to drink alcohol, so I asked the staff but I was told that I absolutely cannot. Now, more than anything, I want to be able to chew normal food and drink alcohol. After the surgery I thought I'd be happy if I could just breathe, but there is no end to greed. Also I was worried about having a recessed chin, but now my chin is more apparent to the point that I'm embarassed I doubted the doctor. I think I should just trust the doctor an wait for time to pass.

1 Month

The progress of the swelling going down doesn't look apparent from just looking at it with my eyes but I can feel the difference when I touch my face as I'm washing it. After my one-month check-up I ate some food by chewing carefully. My swelling is more severe than most patients but I'm genuinely so satisfied with the result. As I continue with the orthodontic treatment, my face will continue to change so I'm looking forward to it. I don't understand how I could have regretted doing the surgery at the one-week mark. I'm going to continue to get prettier right?!? I'm just grateful for the doctor :( The fact that I'm no longer self-concious about my chin is like a new life. This is not plastic surgery, this is a cure. Whether you have a lantern jaw or recessed chin please do this surgery- if your confidence goes up, your life will change!!!!!

3 Months

​Normally before the 3-month mark, you're not supposed to eat anything tough like meat but... after I removed my wafer I ate everything I wanted... Meat, kimchi, everything. Maybe that's why, but my jaw muscles hurt often and it was scary. The swelling in either side is asymmetrical. The right side isn't going down and hurts more when I chew things. The swelling also went down in a way that looks lumpy, so my cheekbones look more protruded. After I removed the wafer, I live life like I did before the surgery. I'm worried that the skin under my chin will not go away.I never worried about chubby cheeks but now I am... But I'm still satisfied. When I look at old photos of myself I want to punch the old me. When I look in the mirror it doesn't look like me and I feel good. I hope the swelling goes down soon. It's probably swelling right..?

4 months

I forgot that I did double jaw surgery. I hear that my face is small really often. As the swelling goes down, I feel like my cheekbones are larger. My nose also looks wider, but it looks kind of cute, so I think it's fine. Now I'm used to my new face. Whether I cut my hair or my bangs, everything suits me. I'm not sure if I'm still swollen or if i'm sagging, but I have a double chin and chubby cheeks. Actually I also did gain some weight.

5 Months

I'm not swollen, I just gained 4KG so I have chubbier cheeks, but the double chin does seem like sagging. Perhaps I didn't do enough to prevent it from sagging... When I look at my face I feel like it's fat, but people say my jaw is narrow and in-person my face looks small and slim. My new boyfriend found out that I did double jaw surgery and he was surprised by how I looked before the surgery lol. I think I push my chin forwards unconsciously- I hope this doesn't cause a relapse... It's scary. My face is round and cute so I think my personality became cuter to match it. That might just be me... I hear that I'm pretty really often so my confidence is higher. But every morning my face gets really swollen, perhaps because I drink a lot of alcohol.

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